Tuesday, March 10, 2009

About Me

If past experience influences present perception then it would probably be helpful for me to explain a little about my background.

I was born in 1985 on Long Island, New York to middle class suburbia. I come from a very fundamental Pentecostal Christian family. My father is a Pentecostal pastor. My grandfather is a Pentecostal pastor. My great grandfather was a Lutheran pastor, but they kicked him out for speaking in tongues. Then he became a Pentecostal pastor. The main thing that separates Pentecostals from other forms of Christianity is the belief that the spiritual gifts (described in 1 Cor. 12, Romans 12) are actively being utilized by the present day church.

I've lived in several different places. Long Island from 0-7 years old. Indiana just outside Indianapolis from 7-8 years old. Kingston, NY from 8-13 years old. Indiana again from 13-15 years old. Long Island again from 15-18 years old. Then I moved off to college in Rochester, NY from age 18 to 23 years old. Rochester is my current residence, but not for much longer.

All of this moving helped me to be familiar with many different kinds of cultures. However, since I was always involved in a Pentecostal church, I was never exposed to other Christian viewpoints until starting college. I have gone to christian schools while in Kingston and my latter stay on LI but I've found that they make it a point not to bring up any theology that is outside of the basic Christian doctrine. After all, you can't get the parents paying for tuition angry. I think this shaped my thinking of how to deal with different denominations. Don't bring up doctrinal differences so you don't offend fellow Christians. I've now come to believe that this viewpoint sacrifices meaningful conversation and spiritual growth in the name of some silly notion of christian unity. (I'm not saying unity is silly, just the false idea of what unity is.)

As a result of all of this, I never really questioned my faith until I was 18 years old. Once in college I could not help but be exposed to all sorts of views, not just of Christianity but of many religions. Since then my theology has changed, and I've become stronger in what it is I believe. I still find myself only discussing the basics sometimes but I'm working on not shying away from uncomfortable conversations. This blog is one outlet for that.

Anything else you want to know, don't be afraid to ask.

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